DIY Milk Carton Birdhouse Craft

Learn how to make a charming birdhouse from a milk carton with this simple step-by-step guide. This eco-friendly craft will attract birds to your garden.

Making a birdhouse from a milk carton is a great way to engage in an environmentally friendly craft. It’s a simple activity for kids and adults alike, encouraging creativity while teaching the importance of recycling.

With just a few materials, you’ll have a unique birdhouse ready to hang in your backyard. Not only is this project enjoyable, but it also offers a chance to observe and learn about local bird species up close.

Making a birdhouse from a milk carton is a fun and easy craft project. Follow these simple steps to create a cozy home for your feathered friends.

Milk carton birdhouse

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Milk Carton Birdhouse Supplies

How to Make a Milk Carton Birdhouse

Step 1: Clean the Carton

First, wash out the milk or juice carton thoroughly. Make sure to get rid of any leftover milk or juice. Let the carton dry completely.

Step 2: Cut a Hole

Next, ask an adult to help cut a round hole in the side of the carton using an exacto knife or box cutter. This will be the entrance for the birds.

Step 3: Paint the Carton

Paint the milk carton in any color or design you like. We used a foam paintbrush to paint the milk carton. We found that it took a couple coats of paint to completely cover the print from the milk carton. Let the paint dry completely.

A milk carton that has been painted pink and green with a hole cut out to make a birdhouse.

Step 4: Add a Perch

Using the exacto knife or box cutter, make a small “X” near the bottom of the hole. Push a small stick through the “X.” This stick will be a perch for the birds to sit on.

We used a small stick we found in the yard. You could also use a wooden dowel.

A birdhouse made from a cardboard milk carton.  The milk carton is painted pink and green.  It has a hole cut out for the bird and a stick for the perch.

Step 5: Make a Hanging Hole

Finally, make a small hole at the top of the milk carton. Thread a piece of string through the hole to hang your birdhouse.

Now your birdhouse is ready. Hang it in a tree or near a window and enjoy watching the birds.

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