How to Make a DIY Rain Gauge

Learn how to create a simple DIY rain gauge using a clear plastic bottle with our easy-to-follow directions. This DIY project combines crafting with science as you measure rainfall right in your own backyard. Get ready to explore the wonders of weather with this activity.

Welcome, young scientists and crafters, to an exciting DIY project: making your very own rain gauge. With just a few simple materials, you can make a tool to measure rainfall right in your own backyard.

Have you ever wondered how much rain falls during a storm? With your homemade rain gauge, you’ll be able to find out. By collecting rainwater in your gauge, you can measure the amount of rainfall right in your own backyard.

DIY rain gauge made with a plastic bottle.

My dad loves the weather. I think he can watch the weather channel for hours. During our conversations, he always asks how much rain we received with the last storm. I usually pull out my phone and look it up.

I came across these plastic bottle DIY rain gauges and I knew I had to make one. Now, my kids can’t wait until it rains so they can see how much rain we received.

You can use any empty clear bottle to make this rain gauge, the most common is the soda bottle.

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DIY Rain Gauge Supplies

How To Make A DIY Rain Gauge

Step 1: Prepare the Bottle

Start by rinsing out your plastic bottle and removing any labels. Make sure it’s clean and dry before you begin.

Step 2: Cut Off the Top of the Bottle

Carefully cut off the top of the plastic bottle. I used a utility knife. This part should be done by an adult. This will create a funnel shape that will collect the rainwater.

The top of a clear plastic bottle cut off.

Step 3: Add Small Rocks

Place several small rocks in the bottom of the rain gauge. This will prevent it the wind from blowing it over. Add water to cover the top of the rocks.

Small rocks are in the bottom of an empty clear plastic bottle.

Step 4: Mark the Measurements

With a permanent marker and ruler, mark off measurements along the side of the bottle. Start with 0 at the spot where the water is covering the small rocks. Make marks at regular intervals, such as every half-inch or inch. These marks will help you measure the amount of rainfall.

A clear plastic bottle with rocks and water in the bottom.
A clear plastic bottle with one-inch measurements marked with a black marker.

Step 5: Make the Funnel

Turn the top part of the bottle upside down and place it into the bottom part to create a funnel shape. This will create a funnel shape that will collect the rainwater.

A DIY rain guage made with a plastic bottle.

Step 6: Place It Outside

Find a perfect spot in your yard or garden to place your rain gauge. Make sure it’s in an open area where it can collect rainfall without any obstructions. You don’t want to place your rain gauge under a tree.

DIY rain gauge placed outside.

Step 7: Measure the Rainfall

After a rainy day, use the markings you made earlier to measure how much rain has fallen.

Step 8: Explore and Learn

Now that your DIY rain gauge is ready, you can start measuring rainfall in your own backyard. Keep track of the rain and compare your measurements with those from weather reports (either via the news or internet).

You can take the learning even further. You can have the kids keep track of the amount of rain each day and create a graph.

Who knows, maybe you’ll discover a hidden passion for meteorology.

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