Are you looking for a keepsake Father’s Day gift that is inexpensive? Print this All About My Dad free booklet and have your kids fill out the answers. Guaranteed to bring smiles.
This Father’s Day DIY book contains 5 pages. To print each page, click on a picture of the page and print.
You can print all 5 pages or you can print just one page. You have to click on each picture to print all of the pages (you have to print each page individually).
If your child isn’t old enough to fill it out by herself, you can write her answers for her.

All About My Dad Page 1
The first page of the book is a picture of dad. You can have your child draw a picture of dad.

Instead of drawing a picture, you can always glue a picture of dad on the first page.
Don’t forget to include your child’s name and date. This way when you look back at it year’s later, you will know the date. Trust me, you will want to look at this again.
I like to have my kids make one each year. It is fun to look back and see how my kids opinion changes over time.
These books always make me smile and bring back great memories.
Father’s Day Book Page 2
The second page is about dad’s favorite things. This includes favorite color, food, sport, hobby, movie, and store.

Page 3
The third page is all about dad. This page is where your child writes about his dad.

If your child is young, the answers to these questions may be funny. My kids used to always get the age way wrong. One year my daughter said my husband works at the zoo because he took her to the zoo. Kids say the funniest things.
Page 4
The fourth page is why your child loves his dad. It includes a favorite memory and why he loves him.

This is my favorite page of the book. It makes my heart melt when my kids write about what their dad means to them.
Page 5
The fifth page is a World’s Greatest Dad coloring page. This page is my son’s favorite page. He doesn’t like to write.

When your child is finished with the pages of the book, staple them together. I like to put 3 staples down the left side.
Your child will love giving this handmade Father’s Day book to her dad. This book will bring smiles and laughter to your family.
I hope you enjoy this Father’s Day book. Remember, to print it out each year.
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