Free Father’s Day Certificates and Coupons

These free printable Father’s Day certificates and coupons make an inexpensive gift for dad. Just print them out and present them to the best dad to make his day.

My kids love Father’s Day (and Mother’s Day). They love wrapping their homemade gifts and presenting them to us with big smiles on their faces.

We have our usual craft items made and ready to be wrapped. This year we made suncatchers.

For something different, I created Father’s Day certificates and Father’s Day coupons that the kids can give to their dad. My kids loved them.

Free Father's Day certificates and coupons

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I created two Father’s Day certificates (so each child can present a different one). I think we are going to present them in an awards ceremony.

Feel free to print one or both certificates. You can present it in an inexpensive picture frame or you can roll it up and tie it with a ribbon.

Your kids can color the certificate or add stickers to it.

To print the Father’s Day certificate or coupons, just click on the link and print it. You need to print each certificate and coupon sheet individually (you will need to click on each link you want to print).

The Father’s Day certificates and coupons are for personal use or classroom use only. They cannot be altered or sold. Feel free to print as many copies as you need.

Father’s Day Certificates

#1 Dad certificate. This certifies that you are a #1 dad and the best dad in the world.

Free printable #1 Dad certificate for Father's Day

Click here to print the free #1 dad certificate.

Or your child can present a World’s Greatest Dad certificate for Father’s Day. The stars can be colored in or left blank.

Free printable world's best dad certificate.

Click here to print the free printable Best Dad certificate.

Coupons For Dad

In addition to presenting Father’s Day certificates, your child can also give Father’s Day coupons. It is an easy way for your kids to show appreciation.

My husband’s favorite coupon is the uninterrupted afternoon nap. Whenever my husband takes an afternoon nap, the kids think it is fun to wake him up.

These 6 coupons are already filled out with our favorite coupons. Hopefully, you will enjoy using them.

These Father’s Day coupons just need to be printed and cut out on the dotted line. You can then paperclip them together.

Free printable Father's Day coupons

Click here to print the free Father’s Day coupons.

I also included blank coupons. If your child would rather create his own coupons for dad, he can.

Free printable blank Father's Day coupons for dad.

Click here to print the free blank Father’s Day coupons.

More Father’s Day Activities

With these All About Dad questionnaires, dad will smile as he reads what his child wrote about him. Makes a great Father’s Day book.

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