This paper rainbow fish is an easy craft for kids to make. This kids craft can be made in less than 30 minutes. Includes free printable fish template.

This easy kids craft is a great way to practice scissor skills and hand eye coordination.
Your child can use his scissor skills cutting the colored paper into strips. Don’t worry, they don’t have to be the same size.
He will use hand eye coordination to glue the strips onto the paper. We used a glue stick to make this craft.
We used scrap colored paper to make this craft. (If you look closely at the pictures below, you will see my son’s drawings on the back of the paper). I like to use both sides of paper.
This craft can be made quickly. You can cut the strips of paper ahead of time and cut out the fish shape. Then, the kids will only need to glue the strips onto the fish shape.
Depending on the age of the child, an adult may have to help cut out the fish.
If you like this kids craft, please pin it for easy reference.
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Rainbow Fish Supplies
Rainbow Fish Instructions
Print the free fish template. To print, click on the picture below or download it to your computer.

Click here to print the free fish template.
Or you can draw a fish shape on white paper.
Next, cut out your fish shape.
Then, cut strips from construction paper. We used rainbow colors; you can use any colors you want.

Glue the strips of colored paper onto the paper fish. Let the glue dry completely.

Then, turn over the fish and cut away the excess construction paper.

Glue 1 googly eye onto the fish.

I hope you enjoy making this paper rainbow fish craft with your kids.
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