How To Make Oobleck: Fun STEAM Activity

Learn how to make oobleck using only two ingredients. This kids activity goes well with the book Bartholomew and the Oobleck.

Easy Oobleck Recipe.  How to make oobleck

Is it solid or a liquid? Is it wet or dry?

My daughter exclaimed, “It’s like slime, but it’s not”! My son said it was better than slime.

The kids had so much fun playing with it. They tried to form it into shapes and build castles with it, but it turned into a liquid. They laughed.

I had fun watching them play with it.

This is very important. Do not put oobleck down the sink, it will clog drains. Throw it in the trash can when you are finished playing with it.

We put ours in a Ziplock bag to store. If it starts to dry out, you can add more water.

We made it on a paper plate to make clean up easier.

We also used green food coloring so our oobleck would be like the one in Dr. Seuss’s book.

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How To Make Oobleck

Put 5 Tbsp of cornstarch on a paper plate.

 Cornstarch on a paper plate.

Mix 1 – 2 drops of food coloring with 3 Tbsp of water (food coloring is optional).

Water that has green food coloring added to it.

Add the water to the cornstarch. Stir. It may be difficult to stir and may be easier to mix with your fingers.

Water colored green being mixed with cornstarch.
Easy DIY oobleck

That’s it. Enjoy playing with your Oobleck. I hope your kids enjoy this STEAM activity.

Experiment With Your Oobleck

Roll your oobleck into a ball with your hands. Does it stay a solid ball? What happens when you stop rolling it into a ball?

When the oobleck is a liquid on your paper plate, can you slap it and make it splash?

Is it wet or dry? Can it feel both wet and dry when it is in your hands?

Oobleck made with cornstarch and water.

What is Oobleck?

Oobleck is a suspension. The cornstarch (a solid) is suspended in a liquid (the water).

It acts like both a solid and a liquid. Mixing the cornstarch and water spaces the starch grains evenly throughout the water.

When you move it slowly, the grains have time to keep their even spacing and it flows like a liquid.

When you move it quickly (by squeezing or rolling), the grains jam together and it acts like a solid.

How To Dispose Of Oobleck

Oobleck may clog your drains, so it is not recommended to pour it down your sink. It is recommended to throw it away in the trash can.

Oobleck STEAM activity.  How to make oobleck

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