Check out this colorful doodle art craft for kids. Your kids turn their doodles into works of art.
This is a fun coloring craft for the kids as well as moms. You can make your own coloring sheets using your scribbles or doodles.

My kids love coloring sheets, especially the abstract coloring sheets. They were super excited when I told them they could make their own coloring sheets.
They loved making designs with the black marker and coloring their shapes in.
To tell you the truth, I loved coloring my doodles. This also makes a good color therapy craft for adults.
Coloring helps me relax and think. My kids love it when I color with them. I get my color therapy and my kids are happy that I am coloring with them. A win-win.
This kids craft will be a good craft for kids to practice coloring in the lines.
If you like this craft, please pin it for easy reference.
Keep reading for more easy kids craft ideas.
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Doodle Art Supplies
Doodle Art Instructions
Draw a continuous big loopy line with multiple curves. Have the line cross to make different size shapes. If you want, you can have music playing while the kids are drawing their line.

The more shapes your line or doodle makes, the more colorful your picture will be.
There is no right or wrong way. Just let your kids creative process scribble a doodle.
Color in the “shapes” your line created. If you want, you can leave some of the shapes white.

You can color your art in a pattern or you can randomly pick your colors. We randomly picked our colors.
I hope you enjoy making this doodle artwork with your kids.

Ways To Adapt This Craft
Instead of using crayons to color your doodle, you can use markers, colored pencils, or paint to color your doodle.
You can use a white crayon to make a doodle or scribble and then you paint it with watercolor paint. The crayon will resist the watercolors.
You can also cut out your artwork before hanging it up on display.
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