Learn how to turn a paper plate into a pumpkin mask for Halloween. This is a fun Halloween kids craft.

My kids love to dress up and they love making and wearing masks. Do your kids love to play dress up?
I fell in love with these cute DIY pumpkin masks and my kids loved drawing silly pumpkin faces on the masks.
Depending on the age of your child, your child may need help making the mask, especially the cutting out of the paper plate pumpkin faces. I had my daughter draw the pumpkin face on the paper plate and I cut the paper plate.
My kids loved wearing the mask when their dad came home to see if he would recognize them.
I hope you enjoy this pumpkin mask Halloween craft. My daughter even made masks for her dolls.
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Paper Plate Pumpkin Mask Supplies
- paper plate
- orange paint
- paint brush
- green construction paper
- glue
- hole punch
- yarn or string
- scissors
Paper Plate Pumpkin Mask Instructions
Paint one side of the paper plate orange.

Next, draw a pumpkin face on the orange paper plate. Carefully, cut out the pumpkin’s eyes, nose, mouth from the paper plate. I found it easier to slightly fold the paper plate in half while cutting.

Then, draw a pumpkin stem on green construction paper. Cut out the pumpkin stem.
Glue the pumpkin stem on top of paper plate pumpkin.

Use a hole punch to put one hole in each side of the paper plate. Tie yarn or string through the holes. The yarn or string is how the mask stays on your child’s face.
Or you could glue a popsicle stick to the bottom of the paper plate pumpkin instead of using yarn. Your child can then hold the mask in front of his face.

I hope you enjoy watching your children play with their homemade pumpkin mask.

More Pumpkin Crafts
This pom pom pumkin craft is easy to make.

I love this popsicle stick pumpkin.

This pumpkin wreath includes a free printable.