Learn how to make your own DIY scratch art paper. It is easy to make your own scratch art paper. Simple craft for kids.

My kids love scratch art crafts. They make scratch art pictures at school with pre-made kits.
Scratch art is black painted over a colorful design. Kids use wooden “tools” to scratch designs on the black. When the black is scratched away, the colors show up.
My kids were excited when I told them we will be making our own DIY scratch art paper. They focused for a while coloring their design.
FYI for this craft, all of the cardstock needs to be colored.
There can’t be any white showing. It will be easier if you use a smaller piece of cardstock.
I cut my 8X11 cardstock into 4 pieces. This was the perfect size for my kids to work with.
If you like this kids craft, please pin it for easy reference.
Keep reading for more crafts for kids.
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DIY Scratch Art Supplies
- white cardstock
- crayons
- paper plate or bowl for mixing paint
- black acrylic paint
- dish soap
- foam paint brush
- wooden chopstick, toothpick or end of a spoon
DIY Scratch Art Instructions
Color a design on the cardstock with your crayons. Press hard. The harder you press down with your crayons, the brighter your scratch art colors will be. Color all areas of your cardstock, you don’t want any white to show through.

Next, mix equal parts black acrylic paint and dish soap. Gently stir together. You don’t want the soap to make bubbles.
Then, use your foam paint brush to paint over your colored design. Paint the whole cardstock black. Let dry completely.

After the paint has dried, you can use your chopstick or toothpick or end of a spoon to scratch a picture on your painted cardstock. When you scratch away the black paint, you will see your colors show.

I hope you enjoy making this DIY scratch art paper with your kids.
Ways To Adapt This Craft
If you want to make scratch art quickly (you don’t want to wait for paint to dry), you can color over your colored crayon design with black crayons.
If you decide to use black crayons instead of paint, you will need to press down hard with your black crayon to color over your design.
If you use black crayons, you don’t get a solid black cover as you do with black paint mixed with dish soap. (In the pictures of this craft we used black paint).
Other Crafts For Kids You May Like
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