This beaded Christmas bracelet is easy for kids to make. Your kids will work on their hand eye coordination stringing the beads onto the chenille stems. Easy Christmas kids craft.

My daughter who is 5 loves making and wearing bracelets. Today we made her 2 different Christmas bracelets.
These bracelets are made with chenille stems. To put it on your child’s wrist, twist the 2 ends of the chenille stem. To remove the bracelet, untwist the chenille stem. Tip: do not twist the chenille stem to tight or it will be difficult to remove the bracelet from your child’s wrist.
These would also make great Christmas ornaments.
This will also make a great group Christmas kids craft. Supply each group with chenille stems and beads. Then, let the kid’s creativity shine.
There isn’t a right way or wrong way to make these bracelets. If your child doesn’t want to follow a pattern that is okay.
Below you will find instructions to make two different kinds of bracelets.
If you like this Christmas kids craft, please pin it for easy reference.
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Beaded Christmas Kids Bracelet Supplies
Beaded Christmas Kids Bracelet Instructions:
Put 1 green starflake bead on the chenille stem. Create a pattern of beads on the chenille stem.
I used 5 green starflake beads, then 1 red starflake bead, then repeat the pattern.

Next, measure your child’s wrist and form circle with beaded chenille stem. Twist together to form a bracelet.

This will also make a great wreath for a Christmas tree ornament.
Beaded Christmas Craft Supplies:
Beaded Christmas Craft Instructions:
Put 1 red bead on the chenille stem, then 1 green bead, then 1 white bead, then repeat. Periodically, place a bell on the chenille stem.

Keep putting beads and bells on chenille stem until it is full.

Twist the chenille stems ends together to form a bracelet (a circle).

I hope you enjoy your DIY beaded Christmas kids bracelets.

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